Saturday, May 22, 2010

Malaysia- Wait, I need to calculate the Bill

I did have a culture shock when the first time I went out for dinner with friends in Malaysia: when the bill arrived, one of them took out the mobile phone and calculated the bill very professionally and accurately to CENT.

Ok, friends, here is the style of what north Chinese people do: 200RM bill, 4 people, regardless whatever you ordered, each one 50RM. done? then make a move!

However when I am here, 200RM bill, according to what I ordered, let's say a 36RM dish, plus tax and service charge, I might get a bill of 42.30RM. 30 cent!

it's nothing wrong to do the Malaysian way, but for my personal experience?--- I feel really embarrassed to calculate the bill on the table, and i am utterly speechless!

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