Monday, May 31, 2010

Malaysia-Is the birthday that important?

I have to say people here love celebrating birthdays: a gang of friends, 5 or 6 people, a big fat dinner, flowing up a long session of Karaoke; pictures, videos, next morning, when you check the face book, all the lovely moments are there.

Is that fun? should be! 5 or 6 times a year according to your social size, maybe twice a month? but have you reached the point of getting bored of it or even though just because all of your friends are doing it, you are doing it?

I would not go to the "whether is fun" part as each individual has his or her own definition and the inner side of you know exactly how it felt when you were there. My question is: have you ever thought about the same day, just 20 or 30 or 40 years ago, is the same day that your mum suffered a lot? and for you being here to celebrate it, your parents have contribute way more than you could imagine, but, have you ever done anything to them on your birthday to show your appreciation? or do you really appreciate it?

For those who already have a job, have you taken your parents for dinner or bought anything for them on your birthday?

For my dear students: have you thought of washing your mum's car on your birthday?

Or you still have "I am ENTITLE of celebrating it because is my birthday" attitude?

oh, Grow up, folks!

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