Friday, May 07, 2010

Malaysia-leg or feet?

To my dear Malaysian Mandarin speakers:

Whether you know notice it or not, there is a huge difference between leg and foot, not only physically, but also literally.

In Chinese, we have two words to say them:

leg-we call it "tui"-腿

foot-we call it "jiao"-脚

so you can imagine how hard for me to figure out what you mean when you say "oh, her foot is so long" when you actually mean " her leg is so long"

Same story, when we say someone is huge in size, we don't use " da zhi"-大只,because the word "只" is a measure word for animals, for example: chicken, duck, bird etc. (check a dictionary, and you will find it out) Can you imagine how funny for me when I hear that?

Please do not say: "oh, that's Malaysian Chinese!", unfortunately there is not a language called 'Malaysian Chinese' ! all you need is to get on with more vocabularies, or at least to get it right.

Kind regards


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