Friday, May 14, 2010

Malaysia-Shopping Mall in the Weekend

I love shopping in Malaysia, but going to a shopping center on the weekend here is just a nightmare!

I really thought only China has the human resource to make a shopping mall crowed, apparently Malaysia has the same power too. Going to the huge shopping centers like: One Utama, KLCC, Pavilion on weekend is just another way to stress you out, or at least stress me out.

I found people here walking very slow when they are shopping, and no one would like to walk on side of road or stand on the left side of the elevator, so other people who are in hurry can actually pass by. In short, the result of that is you have to really fight with human bodies to get where you want.

Another thing I don't really understand is: why do you bring your kids to the shopping mall? Kids here, I am speaking of those small babies. Personally I don't think it's very hygiene for them in such public places, and they are spending most of their time sleeping. what's the big fun for them? they probably think: hey, I am sleeping! can't you people be quiet? Zzzz...

My personal guess is that it's hard to find babe sitters or it's simply a family time here; on the other hand in China, children are left to the grandparents to take care of during the weekend, Chinese grandparents love to be part of the third generation in any way possible, so it's not often to see many babes in the shopping malls back China, I also hope it won't be more in the future either.

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