Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Malayisa- I am Eurasian, oh, You are so pathetic!

Dear Fake Eurasian in Malaysia:

I hope you don't mind checking the definition of Eurasian in the dictionary before you call yourself Eurasian, so you can feel that you have something to do with Europe, then you can find your self-esteem.

Eurasian is defined as "describes a person with one European parent and one Asian parent". so if you are the case that your grandparents, or grand-grand parents having something to do with Europe, you are NOT a Eurasian, get it? simple is that!

I know you desperately want to have something to do with European people. but sorry, man! if your parents are Malaysian, you are Malaysian, Malaysia is part of Asia, I say it again, and you can check the map again, in case I am wrong... so you are Asian!!! Face it! you are bloody so fake and so pathetic to call yourself Eurasian! seriously, grow up!

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