Sunday, October 10, 2010

China- The parents never give up

my graduation is approaching, friends studying in China are almost the same. A friend's mum, whose name should be remain unknown, called my dad to ask: ahh... is your daughter finishing her degree yet? where is she going to work ah? my daughter is working in Deloitte Shang Hai...

Chinese parents just can never give up comparing their kids, it seemed how successful their kids are is the same as how successful they are. when you are in school, they compare your school results, therefore, most of Chinese kids going to University doing Accounting, medicine, law... most of time it's not because we like it, it's because our parents can go out to compare us with others.

"my daughter is a lawyer" sounds better than "my daughter is drawing pictures", at least for Chinese people, regardless whether what the children are really interested in.

when you finish school, they compare your final education level; once you start working, they compare where you work, how much you make; you get married, they compare your spouse rich or not, pretty or not; then you have your own child, the compare cycle starting again!

personally i really pity that mum, she is so bored that she has to compare his own child with others to make herself feel better. and that's the sad part.

Millions and millions Chinese parents feel ashamed if their kids not having a good school results, but they just can't understand not every child is academic good, many of them are talent in other ways. Children are God's blessing, not some investment you made that you wish it's free risk and high return. (it comes more particularly true to those having a daughter)

I kept my school results No.1 or No.2 for three years in Middle school, but i never heard my parents said: I am proud of you. I did a simple presentation in college where my Irish friend called me from a different country to tell me he is very very very proud of me.

that's the difference, and that's the sad part.

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