Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Malaysia-the taxi dirver

Taxi driver in Malaysia is an easy job to go, as it's so different from any other countries, they can CHOOSE where they want to go.

the typical conversation usually goes:

customer: KLCC

driver: no la, jam time la

customer: you can use high way?

driver: which way?

customer: the high way!

driver: nahhhhh....

or it goes...

customer: Mont Kiara

driver: where?

customer: Mooooont Kiiiiiara

driver: don't know la

customer: i can show you the way

driver: 20RM

customer: use the meter

driver: nahhh... 20 RM

customer: fuck off!

taxi driver in UK needs to pass certain exams; taxi driver in China knows wherever you want to go, pick a spot, then you are there. taxi driver in Malaysia, you have to tell them how to get there! and it's their choice to say yes or no...

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