Thursday, April 29, 2010

Malaysia-Are you a banana?

It's very amusing when I heard people in Malaysia introducing themselves saying: oh, actually I am a banana.

banana? hmm...I know Japanese people say: I am blood type A, what are you? So...BANANA? What am I? an apple or a watermelon?

It's not because I don't know what banana means, apparently it used to describe Asian people who live in western countries, and grow up in a western culture. they look like yellow outside, but they don't have the "yellow culture" inside, their values are developed in a white culture society, they are "white" inside: like a banana!

however, people in Malaysia love to describe themselves as bananas, you can always hear people say: "oh, I don't speak Chinese, I am a banana." and then they will have a very pride look on their face and expect there is a "wow" on your face; unfortunately, most of time I have a question mark on my forehead:

let's take a look at this banana thing closely:

1. Are you holding a Malaysian passport?
2. Were you born in Malaysia?
3. Did you grow up in Malaysia?
4. Is Malaysia part of Asia ?
(last time I check the Google earth, I think Malaysia is still belongs to Asia)

so where is your "white" coming from? because you don't speak Chinese? or because you only speak Cantonese?

why don't you go to introduce yourself to an American guy and say: hey, you know what , actually inside we are same laaaa... I am western too, you know? inside! you just can't see it!

Be pride of who you actually are, outside you are Asian, inside you are Malaysian, oops, still Asian.

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