Friday, April 30, 2010

Malaysia-Waiting la...

Happy Labor day!

Sports day started today. The black and white time table saying: badminton starts at 8am, all the counter helpers stand by 7:30am at the court.

Here is what real happened:

7:30 am-I am in the badminton court as one of counter helpers, half of players showed up, but the organizer was nowhere

7:45 am-found the organizer in the cafeteria, "hey, all the players there are already waiting, don't you think you should go up, and where are the nets and forms?"

he said:" wait la..."

"it's already 7:45am, games start at 8am "

"just wait la...what's the problem with that?"

the guy who is speaking is only about 18 or 19, and "wait la" can just come out of his mouth, the sad thing is that he didn't think there is anything wrong with "waiting". I do feel deeply sorry for him.

Here are the questions I have:
1.what kind of education producing this kind of wasting time no problem culture?
2.what kind of thoughts is going through his mind that wasting other people's time that is also normal?
3.what's the difference between "killing someone" and "wasting his or her time"?
4. and why 45 minutes flight away from Malaysia, there is a country that can tell you "sir, your taxi is 3 minutes away, thanks for calling"?

For all I can say: alright, my young boy, just wait la, wait until the day you realize how much time you have wasted, or maybe you will never realize that...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Malaysia-Are you a banana?

It's very amusing when I heard people in Malaysia introducing themselves saying: oh, actually I am a banana.

banana? hmm...I know Japanese people say: I am blood type A, what are you? So...BANANA? What am I? an apple or a watermelon?

It's not because I don't know what banana means, apparently it used to describe Asian people who live in western countries, and grow up in a western culture. they look like yellow outside, but they don't have the "yellow culture" inside, their values are developed in a white culture society, they are "white" inside: like a banana!

however, people in Malaysia love to describe themselves as bananas, you can always hear people say: "oh, I don't speak Chinese, I am a banana." and then they will have a very pride look on their face and expect there is a "wow" on your face; unfortunately, most of time I have a question mark on my forehead:

let's take a look at this banana thing closely:

1. Are you holding a Malaysian passport?
2. Were you born in Malaysia?
3. Did you grow up in Malaysia?
4. Is Malaysia part of Asia ?
(last time I check the Google earth, I think Malaysia is still belongs to Asia)

so where is your "white" coming from? because you don't speak Chinese? or because you only speak Cantonese?

why don't you go to introduce yourself to an American guy and say: hey, you know what , actually inside we are same laaaa... I am western too, you know? inside! you just can't see it!

Be pride of who you actually are, outside you are Asian, inside you are Malaysian, oops, still Asian.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Malaysia-the taxi dirver

Taxi driver in Malaysia is an easy job to go, as it's so different from any other countries, they can CHOOSE where they want to go.

the typical conversation usually goes:

customer: KLCC

driver: no la, jam time la

customer: you can use high way?

driver: which way?

customer: the high way!

driver: nahhhhh....

or it goes...

customer: Mont Kiara

driver: where?

customer: Mooooont Kiiiiiara

driver: don't know la

customer: i can show you the way

driver: 20RM

customer: use the meter

driver: nahhh... 20 RM

customer: fuck off!

taxi driver in UK needs to pass certain exams; taxi driver in China knows wherever you want to go, pick a spot, then you are there. taxi driver in Malaysia, you have to tell them how to get there! and it's their choice to say yes or no...