Thursday, June 17, 2010

Malaysia-DiGi store

Saturday afternoon, stupid enough of me went to DiGi store in Sunway Pyramid to pay bills.

there are two lines of people waiting, but there are only one counter open.
why? oh, welcome to Malaysia!

We were all standing there, but no one came up to ask: how can I help you?

One Malay couple standing in front of me already got very frustrated, the wife tried her best to get the attention of a staff, but she failed. 4 of them were standing behind the counter basically doing nothing, leaning again the counter, maybe trying to figure out why they can't go home with bonus.

there came two Chinese business men, stopped for a minute, turned to me: do they have another DiGi store here?

"I am sorry, I don't think so"

they waited for another 5 minutes, left.

Now back to the Malay couple, finally a short guy came to talk to them, after the wife showing some documents, I heard the staff saying: oh, you can't do it here, you have to go to the main center

the wife: why did you ask me to wait here when I first time show you this?

Staff: oh, sorry la...

Another amusing show is that: a young Chinese woman was standing beside me on the other line earlier, but she had been told to wait to the other counter, so she moved to the ordered place,when she finally started talking to the staff in that counter, this is what she heard: oh, you are waiting in the wrong line la, you should go back there.

within the 30 minutes, how many customers they lost?
-3 walked in and just left
-one couple left with angry
-two business men left with disappointment

total 7!

good business location and good business idea, but not making good money, why? I guess we all know why!

they have enough human resource, but they don't have proper system to make their staff work:
-no clear job delegation
-place more staff in the selling area but leaving more than 15 customers waiting blindly
-no basic staff training
-wrong arrangement of furniture in the store cause crowded queue
-not enough open counters
... ...

Seriously, I only want thing back: My TIME!

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